Group Supported Employment
The path to Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) is one that is as unique as the individual traveling it. This is why at VARC we are an advocate for choice. The choice in how you would like to participate in services that support your overall goals. Group Supported Employment (GSE) can be part of that path to CIE.

Group Supported Employment (GSE) provides individuals with the opportunity to experience Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) with the support of a full-time onsite coach that is available to support a group of individuals with their training, schedule management, and ongoing skill development. Individuals are paid at a competitive wage and may utilize the GSE setting for as long as needed in order to further develop their employment skill set.
While participating in GSE individuals will not only learn a new skills to support the tasks they are assigned, but they will also have the opportunity to navigate social interactions with their peers and supervisors through activities such as establishing and maintaining a work schedule, and in some settings developing customer service skills.
We strive to provide diverse opportunities for the individuals we serve and strengthen our community relationships by partnering with local businesses to provide trained, qualified, and dedicated employees.
We are proud to partner with the following businesses and look forward to continuing to develop more opportunities for the individuals we serve!