Recovery Informed Employment
The Good Bean Cafe, Established in October 2020 in partnership with the Coulee Recovery Center, was developed to enhance access to vocational development opportunities for adults in the recovery community.
This training program and work-site, is a multi-phased vocational training program that offers adults in recovery the chance to learn and practice work skills in a supported, recovery-informed environment while earning a paycheck. The mission of the service is to promote workforce and educational attachment, confidence, and life skills. The training program includes formal customer service, safety, and barista training curriculum. Please make a referral if you or someone you know is in recovery and would like to participate in The Good Bean barista training program.

The Good Bean is a welcoming neighborhood coffee shop that is open to the public serving up Starbucks coffee and small bakery items.
Monday through Friday: 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Inside the Coulee Recovery Center
933 Ferry Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 519-2328